Chronic Low Back Pain
People often don’t realize just how much they use their back until they start to experience chronic pain. Living with lower back pain can be debilitating.
You might have trouble managing your daily activities, and even sitting or lying down for prolonged periods can get painful. One of the biggest problems that Veterans run into is identifying the cause of lower back pain and finding the right treatment.
At Community Chiropractic Center in Poway, CA, we frequently help patients find natural and effective back pain relief through services at our office, including Spinal Decompression, Specialty Chiropractic Techniques, Rehabilitation Efforts (Synergy Systems), and Massage Therapy.
What Are the Symptoms of Chronic Low Back Pain?
The most obvious symptom of low back pain is moderate to severe discomfort that disrupts your daily life. However, the issues can sometimes extend to other parts of your body.
You have nerves in your lower back that run down through your buttocks and into your legs. You may experience symptoms that accompany your pain, such as numbness or tingling sensations. You may also have a chronic ache in your lower back that doesn’t get better with rest.
For your condition to be labeled as chronic, it needs to last for longer than 12-weeks. After that point, we might start recommending long-term solutions for helping you to find pain relief. Treatment protocols are unique for each patient but definitely have different objects if new/acute trauma and pain or chronic pain.
What Are the Causes?
Veterans were often exposed to strenuous working conditions, which left them vulnerable to injuries that increased their risk of chronic lower back pain. For example, you might have had to do the repetitive heavy lifting during your service that led to microscopic tears or scarring in your lower back.
In some cases, the damage to your back might not be visible on a normal imaging scan until time has passed and there’s a greater accumulation of scar tissue. Veterans benefit from community referrals to our office for their chronic back conditions; our spinal decompression has great results in reducing chronic levels of pain.
Chiropractic Care for Chronic Lower Back Pain
You might prefer to avoid more invasive types of care (Injections, Surgery, or Heavy Narcotic Drugs). While these treatments are sometimes necessary, there are other options that might be preferable. According to the VA, chronic back pain is one of the most common reasons for Americans to seek complementary therapies.
You might also benefit from massage therapy, nutritional counseling, and other types of care that help to loosen up stiff back muscles and relieve the pressure on your nerves.
Schedule an Appointment with Our Chiropractor for Chronic Lower Back Pain Treatment in Poway, CA
You don’t have to continue struggling with discomfort. At Community Chiropractic Centre in Poway, CA, we are equipped to help you figure out what is causing your pain. Call us today at (858) 486-1222 for more information or to schedule an appointment with our chiropractor.