Extremity Care FAQs

FAQ on Extremity Care from Community Chiropractic Center

At Community Chiropractic Center, we receive a lot of questions from patients who come to see us. We welcome these questions because we love educating our patients as well as providing treatment plans for them. Some of the most common questions we hear involve the care that we provide to the extremities.

While many people know that chiropractors focus on treating the back, some people might not know that we can treat other areas of the body as well. There are a few questions that we get asked on a regular basis.

Can a chiropractor treat the extremities (arms and legs)?

Yes! A chiropractor can absolutely treat the extremities. In many cases a chiropractor even undergoes specialized training to learn how to perform adjustments on joints, allowing him or her to provide exceptional care to people who come to see us with extremity pain. And most specifically, our team at Community Chiropractic Center includes Dr. Rich Doss who has advanced certification (C.C.E.P.) in Extremity Therapy and Adjustments.

If I have foot pain, can a chiropractor help me?

Chiropractic care for feet is a major focus of what we do. Many people do not realize the stress their feet endure during a day. There are tons of small bones in the feet. All of them must be properly aligned to allow them to do their job. This is the goal of chiropractic for feet. We can help our patients with foot pain.

My hands hurt all the time, can a chiropractor treat this?

For those who are looking for an adjustment for hands, we can do this as well. Today, people use their hands and fingers in countless ways. This includes writing, typing, driving, and more. This places a lot of stress on the tiny bones and muscles in the hands. We will use an adjustment for hands to help patients make a full recovery.

I have shooting pains down my arms, how does a chiropractor treat this?

Sometimes, people come to see us with shooting pains down the arms. Often, this has to do with a pinched nerve in the neck. A chiropractor can perform an adjustment and free this nerve. This provides the nerve with more room to travel. Without this compression, the shooting pains that people suffer will fade into the past.

Trust the Team at Community Chiropractic Center

At Community Chiropractic Center, we place the needs of our patients first. We understand that most of our patients are going to have multiple needs that they need to have addressed. We are here to provide comprehensive care to all our patients. This includes you. If you are looking for a chiropractor who can help you with your healthcare needs, then please call us today to make an appointment! We look forward to meeting you!

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